It has been a long time since i have posted anything on this blog and that can be blamed on the fact that I completed and passed all modules of my 1st year of my MBA, I have been working extra hard at work and Lauren and I have started SIMPLISTIC retail.
So in orderto keep this post interesting i will say nothing about work or studies and focus on SIMPLISTIC. The last blog post spoke about FunctioninART and our indiegogo campaign which unfortunately was not a success, but hey we are continuing on.
So what is SIMPLISTIC….
We decided to rebrand FunctioninART as SIMPLISTIC as found that functioninART was difficult to explain to people and no one could find the website as they kept putting in the wrong address. WE really liked the name simplistic as is discribes the product and in our opinion simpler is better.
So as SIMPLISTIC we built up a collection of furniture and opened a holiday shop in the local shopping centre in Vincent, East London. To view our items click on the following links: current collection, limited edition pieces and design concepts.
Our furniture is manufactured from laminated plywood and tempered glass and is stunning (I may be biased but have a look and make your comments).
Hopefully i will find time in the new year to keep blogging about my crazy creative life, give some business and design tips and generally entertain.
Merry christmas to all and a happy new year…
See you in 2013
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