Always remember that you are an individual and that there is no one on this Earth with its 7.6 Billion people that have the same DNA makeup as you. There may be many people that are similar, with aspirations that may be the same but no two people are exactly the same. It is vital to remember that when it comes to the notion of success. You need to define what success looks like in your life. You can use others as inspiration but do not simply follow someone else’s success path because it looks as though they are living a wonderful life. A great place to start when determining what gets you out of the bed in the morning and what you need to strive towards to be successful is the Japanese Ikigai. It is a great tool that you can use to determine your purpose and therefore what you should work towards to have success.
There are 4 areas of life to look at, these are:
What you love
What you are good at
What the world needs and
What you can get paid for.
Where three areas intersect you can have a great life but there is something missing.
At the Intersection of What you love, What you are good at and What the world needs You have great fulfilment but you have no way of making money which we all need to live.
At the Intersection of What you love, What the world needs You and What you can get paid for. You have excitement although uncertainty as you are not good at what you are doing
At the intersection of What the world needs, What you can get paid for and What you are good at, you are comfortable but you do not feel fulfilled
At the intersection of What you can get paid for, What you are good at and What you love, you will feel satisfaction but purpose is missing.
The intersection of all four of these areas is your purpose.
Take time to look at these areas, try different things, fail, make changes and move towards your purpose. Something that is quite important to understand is that there may be variations of this or different areas of focus at different times in your life. Having said that I do believe it is important to have a personal MTP (Massive Transformative Purpose) and the Ikigai is a great tool to help you determine what it should be.
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