by kevinianallen | Aug 21, 2018 | Inspiration, Positivity
I love being an ally for equality. As I was saying to someone the other day, equality for me is when everyone has the opportunity to be who they are without any concern that they will be disadvantaged in any way. It is not about all being the same but celebrating our...
by kevinianallen | Aug 6, 2018 | Inspiration, Positivity, Random
Have you ever used the word Always or Never in a heated discussion? Have you ever has these words used towards you? How did it make you feel? Speaking in absolutes is something that you should avoid and think twice about before using. I have made this a rule in my...
by kevinianallen | Jul 23, 2018 | Business, Inspiration, Positivity
Always remember that you are an individual and that there is no one on this Earth with its 7.6 Billion people that have the same DNA makeup as you. There may be many people that are similar, with aspirations that may be the same but no two people are exactly the same....
by kevinianallen | Apr 11, 2016 | Business, Educational, Information, Positivity
I wanted to give a quick shout out to the guy at Allied Crowds who map out emerging world crowdfunding. You can find them here. Sign up to read their reports and statistics on crowdfunding in the emerging world. I truly believe that we can use crowdfunding to greatly...
by kevinianallen | Mar 13, 2016 | Business, Educational, Information, Inspiration, Positivity, Random
Working 7 days a week has become my norm for 2016. I have found that I have quite a resilience and enjoy a life that is full of busyness rather than nothing to do. Working in a scale up business in the fintech space has definitely been worth it to date. I have met...
by kevinianallen | Dec 19, 2015 | Art, Business, design, Information, Inspiration, Positivity, Travel
The Banghoek (meaning “scary corner”) valley is located over the Hellshoogte pass and an area in which I will own an estate one day. The picture for this striated sky was taken on the Oldenburg wine estate (in the Banghoek Valley) looking up at the...
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