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A Massive Transformative Purpose is essential for an organisation that wants to exponential, in fact I believe that it is vital for an organisation to thrive in the 21st century. Am MTP is more than a vision or a mission it is an aspirational statement that captures the hearts and minds of the people inside the organisation as well as the community that surrounds the organisation. This can be seen as the higher purpose of the organisation. Remember it is transformational and not transactional.


A powerful MTP has the Power of Pull, it creates a culture that people want to belong to and be a part of. A strong MTP is therefore beneficial when recruiting and retaining talent. In addition a powerful MTP results in an external impact focus rather than an internal politics focus and therefore results in a more productive organisation. A great MTP can have first mover advantage, as it is written in Exponential Organisations it is difficult for another company to come up against Google’s MTP and say well we are going to organise the worlds information just better.

The Purpose in MTP is vital and two why questions are described in the book as critical:

  • Why do this work?
  • Why does this organisation exist?

I highly recommend watching Simon Sinek’s Start with Why TED talk!

MTP Believe

Developing an MTP

Key questions to ask when creating an MTP (Founders):

  • What do we really care about? Why? Why do you exist?
  • What is our company’s purpose on this earth (and beyond)?
  • What is the biggest problem I could solve?
  • What does the world hunger for? Why?  
  • What would we do if I could never fail? Why?
  • What would we do if we received a billion dollars today?  Why?

Because the team who wrote Exponential Organisations and the ExO Foundation want to migrate the world to abundance they and the community around us have developed a tool to help you develop your MTP, find it here.

Now take the steps to developing an MTP. If you need some help along the way then let me know!