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Striated Skies so far…

2015 is rushing along like years seem to do these days and so far I have published 12 striated skies out of the 52 for the year. I am thoroughly enjoying this project and hope that you are too. Let me know what has been your favourite so far. Tomorrow I will publish...

52 Striated Skies

In 2014 while busy with my Thesis I found a great distraction; editing photographs by taking out the sky portion and replacing it with parallel stripes. I started on a photo taken of Table Mountain in 2011. The photo was taken from the boat that we were taking to...

Cape Town 2011 – Day 3

On Day three we found ourselves going back to the V&A Waterfront and since on day two we paid R60 for parking we decided to park in the R10 parking near the circle on Coen Steytler Ave and walk up on the road to the waterfront. Cape Town Travellers tip: If you...